1- Which of the following is not a Unix or Linux variant
1. SunOS
2. RedHat
3. DOS
4. Debian
The correct answer for this month's quiz is number 3. DOS, also known as MS-DOS, is not a variant of Unix or Linux. Additional information about MS-DOS can be found on our MS-DOS page. Additional information about Unix, Linux and its variants can be found on our Unix page.
2 - Which of the following is a PC video file extension?
1. .MVE
2. .MP3
3. .AVI
4. .VDO
The correct answer for this month's quiz is number 3, or .AVI. AVI is a Microsoft Windows movie file and is commonly used for short movies.
3 - Which of the following file extensions is not an audio file format?
1. MP3
2. AIF
3. WAV
4. COM
The correct answer would be COM. A com file is a compiled executable file and not an audio file format file. Additional information about file extensions can be found here. Additional information about MP3 files can be found here.
4 - Which of the following is not an operating system?
1. SuSE
2. Unix
3. OSD
4. DOS
The correct answer would be OSD, which is not related to a computer operating system. Additional information and help with computer operating systems can be found here.
5 - Which of the following is a broadband Internet connection?
1. 28.8k
2. 56k
3. Cable
4. Modem
The correct answer would be cable as it is one of the many broadband possibilities available in some areas of the world. 28.k, 56k and Modem are all types of modems. Additional information about modems can be found on our Modem help page.
6 - Which of the following is not an Internet browser?
1. Internet Explorer
2. AOL
3. Netscape
4. Opera
The correct answer would have been AOL as it is an Internet Service provider and not an Internet browser. Internet Explorer, Netscape and Opera are all types of Internet browsers available for various platforms.
7- Which of the following is not a network command?
1. Ping
2. Winipcfg
3. Netcfg
4. Tracert
The command netcfg is not a network command. Additional information about each of the above valid commands can be found on document CH000444.
8 - Typically, hard disk drives employ what technology as a storage mechanism?
1. Laser
2. Magnetic
3. Light
4. Chemical
Hard disk drives today generally utilize a magnetic technology to read, write and store information. Additional help and information about hard disk drives can be found on our hard disk drive page.
9 - Microsoft Windows XP is an upcoming operating system, what is XP short for?
1. Whistler
2. eXtra Powerful
3. eXPerienced
4. It is not an acronym
Codenamed Whistler, Microsoft Windows XP is sort for Windows Experienced. Windows XP is currently in Beta and will be released the second half of 2001.
10 - Unix is short for what?
1. UNIt eXchange
2. UNIform eXchange
3. UNIt X
4. It is not an acronym
Unix is not an acronym, therefore it is not short for anything. An early version of Unix was actually called UNICS and it was short for UNiplexed Information and Computing Service. Additional information about Unix can be found on our Unix page. Unix history can be found on our Unix history page.
11 - The windows registry consists of which two files? 1. autoexec.bat and config.sys
2. user.dat and win.ini
3. user.dat and system.dat
4. win.reg and user.dat
The system registry consists of two files named the user.dat and system.dat. These two files have backups named user.da0 and system.da0. Additional information about the system registry can be found on our registry page.
12 - Why was the first Intel Celeron processor not as popular as expected?
1. Had errors
2. No level 2 cache
3. Caused errors
4. Caused Excess heat
The original Intel Celeron processor was not as popular as expected because it lacked level 2 cache to help reduce the price of the processor. With no level 2 cache the processor was much slower than the competitor processors. Users felt that while the processor was cheap it was not worth the dramatic speed decrease.
Computer Hope
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