How to block a website without a software in XP
Hai friends...
Most of the Internet users are afraid from the attacking of viruses,malawres etc. especially internet cafes.but most of the users are unbotherd about it.In the case of Internet cafes the viruses are entering by unsafe downloading of Softwares and applications and also by visiting pornography websites.According to Interpole Rule visiting such website are strictly restrickted(New improvised 2011-2012).So we need to block such websites.Please check the History of Your browser if you seem the any pornography site please block by following way.Mainly teenages are visiting such websites because the pornographers sets their URL as tinyURL with Physics related terms or sports relates terms etc.We need to protect them.Some viruses are harmfull beacause it can manage every functions of our computer for their operation and our secret and valuable datas
- Open My Computer--->C:(Windows installed drive)--->WINDOWS--->system32--->dirvers--->etc--->
- Open "hosts" in notepad
- at the end of last line in the "hosts" hit Enter twice and type
"<double space>Siteaddress" and save
Example: localhost
If you want to bock more sites type again "<double space>Siteaddress" after hitting Enter key
It is not 100% usefull beacause for blocking such wbsite we need a strong pornblocker which are coastly.
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